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Natural Way to Freshen Dull Face

Natural way to freshen dull face - Dull face can make a person look like a tired man. There are many factors that cause a dull face, one of them is because dead skin cells are not cleared. Buildup of dead skin cells to make one's face look dull, wrinkled and even make a person look older than they really are.
dull face
In addition to the dead skin, dull face can also be caused by other factors such as lifestyle. Like the rest were not enough, the habit of staying up late can also affect your skin appearance, inadequate rest due to staying up too late will make your face grow old. That's why I take this opportunity to make an article about how to naturally freshen dull face. Keep in mind that at the time of the break, take a look and absorb the nutrients from food, so that when the break is not enough then face loss of nutrients from food, so the face looks dull and older than his actual age.

In addition, other factors that cause dull face is stress, tension in daily activities could lead to stress, stress can make a dull face, pale and luminous.

Natural ways refreshing dull face

The most easy and simple way to refresh a dull face is to avoid the cause of dull face, as we have mentioned above. In addition, by using a variety of materials and natural ingredients that can make it fresh and glowing face .

Refreshing face dull, not enough to wash and wash your face, but you need to use other natural materials. You can use corn in treating the face, is to create a mask of corn, or by using green tea for facial beauty.

Below I will explain how to refresh your face with a few natural ingredients such as lemon. Orange juice contains a lot of vitamin C and Citric Acid.

Here we will see how to refresh your face with lemon juice.
  1. Steps to freshen the face with lemon are:
  2. Clean face first until really clean
  3. Cut the lemon and squeeze to 4 parts water, a small patch of container
  4. To obtain optimal results, mix with cleanser or facial scrub.
  5. Then pat noticed last of blended to face circular way, be careful not to hit the eye
  6. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water nail
  7. Do it this way 3 times a week
  8. Then Apply "day cream" as a moisturizer, to prevent sensitive face because the face is usually more sensitive to sunlight after contact with lime noticed.

So simple and natural way of refreshing your dull face. Do it carefully, if you face immediate irritation consult a doctor.

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